Use Case
Token Supply
Token Supply
About Gitcoin
GTC, launched in May 2021 is Gitcoin’s governance token, which is used to create and fund the DAO that governs Gitcoin. It is a platform that supports open-sourced community development using new Web3.0 infrastructure, tools and technologies. More than $20mil has been funded to open sourced projects through Gitcoin.
Latest Gitcoin News View All
Gitcoin has introduced a new Layer 2 OP Chain – Public Goods Network (PGN)
Gitcoin has joined forces with other organizations to launch the Public Goods Network (PGN), according to (read more)
UNICEF Alpha Round: Round Results & Recap
Since launching the grants program in 2019, Gitcoin has helped to fund thousands of open-source projects. In December, as part of the Alpha Round Test Season, we kicked off with UNICEF’s round to be the first to test our new grants protocol. (read more)
Announcing: The Gitcoin Program Alpha Round
In 2023 we’re transitioning to a blockchain-based grants protocol that allows anyone to launch a Quadratic Funding grants program. (read more)
Catalyzing a Movement with Gitcoin Grants
Decentralized Science is a movement using web3 tools to radically improve the creation and management of human scientific knowledge. The thesis is that as we enhance science’s transparency, permissionlessness, and decentralization, we also enhance its speed, efficacy, and equitability. (read more)
The Case for Grant Programs: How to Incentivise Ecosystem Growth by Funding Innovation
Grants provide early support for web3 projects driving the space forward while helping teams and communities retain their sovereignty. (read more)
Gitcoin Wrapped: Our Progress Towards Pluralism and a Positive-Sum World in 2022
As an ecosystem, we collectively rekindled our conviction in DeFi (over CeFi), saw explosive growth in ImpactDAOs, witnessed our first ReFi summer, and doubled down on building more pluralistic tools that can empower local digital communities to fund their shared needs. (read more)
Transitioning from Grantee to Funder: Mask Network
The power of community funding and open source helped Mask Network bring their project to life. Their massive growth and professional networks have transitioned them from grantee to one of Gitcoin’s biggest grant funders. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Latest Gitcoin News View All
Gitcoin has introduced a new Layer 2 OP Chain – Public Goods Network (PGN)
Gitcoin has joined forces with other organizations to launch the Public Goods Network (PGN), according to (read more)
UNICEF Alpha Round: Round Results & Recap
Since launching the grants program in 2019, Gitcoin has helped to fund thousands of open-source projects. In December, as part of the Alpha Round Test Season, we kicked off with UNICEF’s round to be the first to test our new grants protocol. (read more)
Announcing: The Gitcoin Program Alpha Round
In 2023 we’re transitioning to a blockchain-based grants protocol that allows anyone to launch a Quadratic Funding grants program. (read more)
Catalyzing a Movement with Gitcoin Grants
Decentralized Science is a movement using web3 tools to radically improve the creation and management of human scientific knowledge. The thesis is that as we enhance science’s transparency, permissionlessness, and decentralization, we also enhance its speed, efficacy, and equitability. (read more)
The Case for Grant Programs: How to Incentivise Ecosystem Growth by Funding Innovation
Grants provide early support for web3 projects driving the space forward while helping teams and communities retain their sovereignty. (read more)
Gitcoin Wrapped: Our Progress Towards Pluralism and a Positive-Sum World in 2022
As an ecosystem, we collectively rekindled our conviction in DeFi (over CeFi), saw explosive growth in ImpactDAOs, witnessed our first ReFi summer, and doubled down on building more pluralistic tools that can empower local digital communities to fund their shared needs. (read more)
Transitioning from Grantee to Funder: Mask Network
The power of community funding and open source helped Mask Network bring their project to life. Their massive growth and professional networks have transitioned them from grantee to one of Gitcoin’s biggest grant funders. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Gitcoin Price
$ 0.4680
Use Case
Token Supply
Token Supply
About Gitcoin
GTC, launched in May 2021 is Gitcoin’s governance token, which is used to create and fund the DAO that governs Gitcoin. It is a platform that supports open-sourced community development using new Web3.0 infrastructure, tools and technologies. More than $20mil has been funded to open sourced projects through Gitcoin.
Latest Gitcoin News View All
Gitcoin has joined forces with other organizations to launch the Public Goods Network (PGN), according to (read more)
Since launching the grants program in 2019, Gitcoin has helped to fund thousands of open-source projects. In December, as part of the Alpha Round Test Season, we kicked off with UNICEF’s round to be the first to test our new grants protocol. (read more)
In 2023 we’re transitioning to a blockchain-based grants protocol that allows anyone to launch a Quadratic Funding grants program. (read more)
Decentralized Science is a movement using web3 tools to radically improve the creation and management of human scientific knowledge. The thesis is that as we enhance science’s transparency, permissionlessness, and decentralization, we also enhance its speed, efficacy, and equitability. (read more)
The Case for Grant Programs: How to Incentivise Ecosystem Growth by Funding Innovation
Grants provide early support for web3 projects driving the space forward while helping teams and communities retain their sovereignty. (read more)
Gitcoin Wrapped: Our Progress Towards Pluralism and a Positive-Sum World in 2022
As an ecosystem, we collectively rekindled our conviction in DeFi (over CeFi), saw explosive growth in ImpactDAOs, witnessed our first ReFi summer, and doubled down on building more pluralistic tools that can empower local digital communities to fund their shared needs. (read more)
The power of community funding and open source helped Mask Network bring their project to life. Their massive growth and professional networks have transitioned them from grantee to one of Gitcoin’s biggest grant funders. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Latest Gitcoin News View All
Gitcoin has joined forces with other organizations to launch the Public Goods Network (PGN), according to (read more)
Since launching the grants program in 2019, Gitcoin has helped to fund thousands of open-source projects. In December, as part of the Alpha Round Test Season, we kicked off with UNICEF’s round to be the first to test our new grants protocol. (read more)
In 2023 we’re transitioning to a blockchain-based grants protocol that allows anyone to launch a Quadratic Funding grants program. (read more)
Decentralized Science is a movement using web3 tools to radically improve the creation and management of human scientific knowledge. The thesis is that as we enhance science’s transparency, permissionlessness, and decentralization, we also enhance its speed, efficacy, and equitability. (read more)
The Case for Grant Programs: How to Incentivise Ecosystem Growth by Funding Innovation
Grants provide early support for web3 projects driving the space forward while helping teams and communities retain their sovereignty. (read more)
Gitcoin Wrapped: Our Progress Towards Pluralism and a Positive-Sum World in 2022
As an ecosystem, we collectively rekindled our conviction in DeFi (over CeFi), saw explosive growth in ImpactDAOs, witnessed our first ReFi summer, and doubled down on building more pluralistic tools that can empower local digital communities to fund their shared needs. (read more)
The power of community funding and open source helped Mask Network bring their project to life. Their massive growth and professional networks have transitioned them from grantee to one of Gitcoin’s biggest grant funders. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)
Trade GTC Futures Contracts with up to 25x Leverage on Binance
Gitcoin futures contracts is available for trading on the Binance Futures platform with up to 25x leverage. (read more)